We have traveled to Mexico since 2017 preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ and ministering to those that travel with us as well as to the Mexican people.
We love to lead groups or individuals to the mission field to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ and grow the Kingdom for our Lord God. We have a yearly trip to the northern border of Mexico every year, just a few days after Christmas. The cost is minimal and the trip is a relatively short and easy one. Please consider partnering with us through prayer, giving, or going. Just get in contact with us, we can come to you to share more about the trip. Of course, you are always invited to visit us or give us a phone call.
We have been to several countries in Africa, including Nigeria, Cameroon, Kenya, and Uganda. We look forward to the upcoming mission to Tanzania and Kenya in March of 2024.
In Nicaragua, we have traveled from school to school sharing the gospel in services where our short-term missionaries participate in worship, songs, testimonies, prayers, preaching, and distributing goody blessings to the Nicaraguan people. We have also participated in medical missions, street evangelism, pastor's conferences, church to church, and radio ministry. We have had several crusades where we have been blessed to be able to give away motorcycles. We would love to take you or your group on the mission field in Nicaragua! Most of our short-term missions are 5-7 day trips and are very doable. Please consider partnering with us in Nicaragua soon!